Grand Knights
The Grand Knight is the highest ranking elected officer of Council 4175 and is responsible for observing the laws of the Order and Council. The office of Grand Knight is one that is rich in opportunities to serve his fellow Knights and to lead Council 4175 in service to family, Church and community. Additionally, the Grand Knight must ensure the the Council continues to flourish and set a good example for his fellow Knights. The following gentlemen have served Council 4175 in an exemplary manner and have embodied the official Council prayer of St. Francis "For its is in giving that we receive...."
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Tom Kohlrus
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Tim Kennedy
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Jim Meyer
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Greg Stumpf

Earl Schroeder

Ronald Suter

Michael Burns

Al Giacomini

Kenneth Fults
1986 - 1988

Thomas Schuh
1984 - 1986

William Wente
1983 - 1984

Michael E. Moffett
1981 - 1983

Joseph P. Rock
1979 - 1981

Gene Howell
1978 - 1979

August Egger, Jr.
1977 - 1978

Chuck Beall
1976 - 1977

Anthony Kohlrus
1975 - 1976

Leonard Semon
1973 - 1975

Lee Muffick
1972 - 1973

Al Klunick
1971 - 1972

Frank Boehm
1967 - 1971

William Hattendorf
1966 - 1967

Edward Carter
1965 - 1966

Ronald Fulgenzi
1964 - 1965

Joseph Bartletti
1963 - 1964

Frank Petterchak
1961 - 1962

John Stokes
1960 - 1961

Phil Ramirez
1959 - 1960

Jerry Marrin
1958 - 1959

Paul McAnarney
1957 - 1958

Roy Gillespie
1956 - 1957